"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."                   Proverbs 13:12

Monday, October 15, 2007

One...Happy Family

Today we ate our last meals as a family of two, how bizarre, how bizarre. We will leave El Refugio tomorrow at 7:45 am to meet our children at 8:30 am. We can´t wait!!! We packed their backpacks with the gifts that we will be giving them. We will also try to take lots of pictures and have someone video the BIG event.

Today we went to the mall and it was jam packed because today is a holiday. We are not quite sure which holiday, but alot of the smaller stores were closed. It is about the size of Oak Park Mall ( in KC), with a Target like store called Exito. Nate purchased a pair of shorts because we were told that people don´t really wear shorts here, and that is true; but in the B&B all the guys wear them.

Did we say that we are so excited for tomorrow?

Once again, we truly enjoy reading the comments to the blogs and emails, because it is our lifeline to the USA.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness...I can't believe the day is here! It is truly God's work at his finest! Get some rest tonight. I remember the night before we got Parker all I could do was iron...I never iron!!! HEE HEE! I can't wait to see what tomorrow's blog entry is...if you have time...you know you're going to have your hands full!!!!!!Steph, Rod and Parker

Theresa Archer-Lemos said...

I am so happy for you. Big changes coming, but I know that they are right. You are all in my prayers. Have a great day!


Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

Woohoo!!! God is about to ROCK YOUR WORLD!!!! WITH BLESSINGS UNIMAGINABLE...and with blessings come hurdles, but He will strengthen you as you go!!! What an awesome journey, you have before you...may you rest well tonight, and the children, too...and there be that instant connection when you all lay eyes upon one another!!!

God bless,
Wendi, CHI Mami of 3

KS said...

Tomorrow is going to be so perfect! I'm so excited, I can only imagine how you're feeling! Thanking God for this miracle, it's amazing!

Staci Wood said...

I am so excited that tomorrow is the day. I will be praying for you all. Blake said that you can bring 5 home if you want. Hee Hee. he is so happy to have some more little cousins in the family. We are definately going to need to have a party. I can wait to talk to you this week. talk to you soon.
Love you guys,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! We can't wait to see your updated pictures and read all about your Gotcha Day. There are no words to describe it..its such an amazing experience!! We will be thinking of you.

mom to Brian (CHI Guatemala 2002) & Angelica (CHI Colombia 2006)

Anonymous said...

Lauren wants to say, “How are you in Colombia? Are you still sick? We’re so excited that you are picking up your kids from Colombia. I am learning more Spanish words because I know your kids will speak Spanish when they come from Colombia. I want to go to the park and play with you. I want to meet quarto amigos. I hope your kids are bien and don’t get in time out. Fin."

Thanks for the updates. Your blog has become part of our bedtime routine. Lauren has figured out it’s a great way to extend her bedtime. I have no idea how to spell the Spanish so forgive me. I hope the meaning still comes through.

We’re wishing you restful sleep tonight so you can savor every minute tomorrow. I’m sure the day will go too fast. We'll be thinking of you. Can't wait for pics and tomorrow's update. I can't imagine how you'll find the words. Yeah!! Gotcha Day is here.

The Ruffs

Genece said...

Rena & Nate,
What blessings are headed your way -- SOON! Wow, hard to imagine the time is almost upon you when you finally meet the children and what blessings they will bring! They are such precious wonders sent from our Father who gives great gifts! ENJOY your momentous day and know our prayers are with you!

Love, Genece

Mark & Carolyn Taylor said...

THIS IS YOUR DAY!!! We just wanted to be a small part of it and share in the joy and excitement we know you're experiencing!

Lila said...

Hello from Kansas City:
I wrote to you guys earlier this morning, but for some reason it would not go through. Hopefully, it will this time.
I wanted to tell you that we have been praying for you guys and the kids all morning. I have all the staff here at GCS praying. Mrs. Freeman had Luke in Eng. so they stopped and prayed. My class prayed with me; plus, other staff have stopped and prayed with us. God is good isn't He!!
I pray that LOVE IS STRONGER than any language barrier.
I know the day is going great and I look forward to the pics and your next update.
God Bless!!

pamnader said...

Great blog! You guys are so diverse in your many talents. To say I am excited for you is like a drop of water in the ocean...it doesn't begin to convey my deepest most sincere happiness for you and for your darling children! Having just become a mom of 1 and watching my "free time" become a distant memory, I can only imagine what your lives will be like especially during this time of great excitment and adjustment. Nader and I are thinking of you and praying for you. Say hi to Bogota for me! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are going so well. Nate, hope you are tolerating the altitude. Keeping you in my prayers.